T&A Cafe

I had to pull out the old Urban Dictionary for this one… I’d never been to the T&A Cafe, mainly because I wasn’t much of a smoker or coffee drinker in the 80s or 90s. I had to do a little research. My favorite place to find any information is Facebook comments. Entertaining and honest… Anyways, the were a lot of comments about T&A. Tom, Todd, Alice… I landed on Ted and Adele Moon. But there was a comment about how T&A was a smart marketing tactic as it caught people’s attention. I’m like what am I missing? That’s where my trusty Urban Dictionary comes in. Like Tim and Amy, there are a couple options for what T&A could mean. Looking at the graphics on their napkins I confirmed it. I’m not going to tell you here because this is a family newsletter…

That reminds me/ADHD topic shift… At Art in the Park a lady comes up to me and is like, “Can I look at your binder of your naughty designs?” I was like, uhhhhh… What? I told her no such thing existed. She said it did and she looked at it at the fair. We weren’t even at the fair. She didn’t believe me… I guess I wouldn’t know…

T&A Cafe was on 11th, right behind Hannifin's. It was Vic’s, but then Vic’s burned down. After the T&A closed it became a Chinese restaurant. Not sure what’s there now but it’s most likely haunted…

Thank you for your time,


Remember when someone would tell a dirty joke or make a saucy reference and you laughed, pretending to get it but you had no idea what it meant? This is for that.




I Miss Kellen